From Risk to Resilience: Why agent-based synthetic data wins over Gen AI

From Risk to Resilience: Why agent-based synthetic data wins over Gen AI

1 Aug 2024
by Linda King

In today's financial landscape, the integrity and security of data are paramount. Financial institutions leverage vast amounts of data for everything from risk assessment and fraud detection to personalised customer services and market analysis. However, the need to protect sensitive information while maintaining data utility has led to an increasing interest in synthetic data generation. While open Gen AI models might initially seem an attractive option for this purpose, they pose significant risks that financial institutions cannot afford to overlook. Instead, a more secure and effective alternative is the use of risk-free agent-based synthetic data generation. Here’s why.        

The risks of Gen AI for synthetic data generation:

Privacy and Security Concerns:

Open generative AI models, such as those used for creating synthetic data, often operate on large datasets that may include sensitive financial information. Even if the data is anonymised, there is always risk of re-identification. Gen AI models can inadvertently retain patterns or details from the original data, which could lead to privacy breaches if the synthetic data is reverse engineered.

Regulatory Compliance:

Financial institutions operate under stringent regulatory frameworks that govern data privacy and security. The use of open generative AI for synthetic data creation can complicate compliance efforts. Regulators require transparency and assurance that data is being handled appropriately, and the opaque methods and uncertain provenance of training data for AI-generated data can raise red flags. Ensuring compliance with frameworks such as GDPR, CCPA, and others becomes challenging when using open generative AI models.

Data Quality and Fidelity:

While Gen AI can produce large volumes of synthetic data, the quality and fidelity of this data can be inconsistent. Financial models require high-quality data to ensure accurate predictions and analyses. Generative AI might produce data that superficially seems plausible, but exhibits biases or lacks the necessary granularity present in the training data, leading to unreliable results and potentially flawed decision-making.

AI Hallucinations:

One significant risk of using generative AI for synthetic data generation is the phenomenon of AI hallucinations. AI hallucinations happen when the model generates information or details that were not present in the training data, effectively creating false or misleading data. This can be particularly problematic in the financial sector, where accuracy and reliability of data are critical. AI hallucinations can introduce spurious correlations or nonsensical data points, ultimately leading to misguided analyses and decisions. For instance, a generative AI model might fabricate financial transactions or customer behaviours that are absurd, or follow patterns which make no sense, which then skewing predictive models and potentially causing financial harm. This risk underscores the importance of rigorous validation and oversight when employing Gen AI for synthetic data creation. Careful analysis of the data and iterative prompt engineering may overcome these shortcomings, but drastically impact convenience, productivity, and trust, defeating the entire point of using the LLM in the first place.

Intellectual Property Risks:

Gen AI models are often developed and maintained by third parties, and using these models can expose financial institutions to intellectual property risks. There is a risk that proprietary data or insights might be inadvertently shared or used without appropriate licensing, leading to legal complications.

The Advantages of Risk-Free Agent-Based Synthetic Data:

Enhanced Privacy and Security:

Agent-based synthetic data generation methods operate with no reliance on real datasets. Instead, they use agent-based modelling to simulate realistic financial scenarios and interactions. This approach completely removes the risk of re-identification or leakage of sensitive information, ensuring that the synthetic data is truly anonymised, secure and can be trusted.

Regulatory Compliance:

Agent-based synthetic data generation offers greater transparency and control over the data creation process. Financial institutions can demonstrate to regulators that the synthetic data is generated in a controlled, risk-free environment, making it easier to comply with data protection regulations. The deterministic nature of agent-based models ensures that the synthetic data adheres to regulatory standards without compromising on quality.

High-Quality Data:

Agent-based models can be fine-tuned to generate high-fidelity synthetic data that accurately reflects real-world financial scenarios. These models simulate the behaviour of individual agents (such as customers, traders, or financial instruments) based on predefined rules and interactions. As a result, the synthetic data produced is rich in detail and closely mirrors the complexities of actual financial data, leading to more reliable and robust analyses.

Intellectual Property Protection:

By using agent-based models, financial institutions retain full control over the synthetic data generation process. This approach eliminates the risks associated with third-party Gen AI models, ensuring that proprietary data and insights remain confidential and protected from unauthorised use.

Scalability and Flexibility:

Agent-based synthetic data generation is highly scalable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of financial institutions. Whether it’s simulating market conditions, customer behaviours, or risk scenarios,these models can be customised to generate relevant and context-specific data. This flexibility allows institutions to address a wide range of analytical and operational needs effectively.


In the quest for synthetic data, financial institutions must prioritise security, compliance, and data quality. While Gen AI models may offer a quick solution, the associated risks make them a less viable option for the highly regulated financial sector. Risk-free agent-based synthetic data generation using solutions like Aizle, on the other hand, provide a secure, compliant, and high-quality alternative that aligns with the unique needs of financial institutions. By adopting this approach, financial institutions can harness the power of synthetic data to drive innovation, improve decision-making, and maintain a competitive edge in the market without compromising on privacy or regulatory requirements.

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